About CTA

About CTA

The Chinese Tennis Association is referred to as “China Tennis Association”, and its English name is “CHINA TENNIS ASSOCIATION” and its English abbreviation is “CTA”. The Chinese Tennis Association is headquartered in Beijing, the capital of our country. The Chinese Tennis Association is a national individual sports association with independent legal personality; it is a national, public welfare mass sports organization; it is a group member of the All-China Sports Federation; it is a national individual sports association recognized by the Chinese Olympic Committee; it represents China The People’s Republic of China is the only legal institution to participate in the International Tennis Federation (ITF), the Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) and other international tennis sports organizations. It is a non-profit social organization voluntarily formed by tennis workers, athletes, coaches and tennis activists across the country, as well as people from all walks of life and people at home and abroad who care about the development of tennis.


中國網球協會簡稱“中國網球協會”,英文名稱為“CHINA TENNIS ASSOCIATION”,英文縮寫為“CTA”。中國網球協會總部設在我國首都北京。中國網球協會是具有獨立法人資格的全國性個人體育協會;是全國性、公益性群眾體育組織;為中華全國體育總會團體會員;是中國奧委會認可的全國性個人運動協會;中華人民共和國是代表中國參加國際網球總會(ITF)、亞洲網球總會(ATF)等國際網球運動組織的唯一合法機構。它是由全國網球工作者、運動員、教練和網球活動人士以及國內外各界人士和關心網球事業發展的人士自願結成的非營利社會組織。

CTA Tour

China Tennis Tour is a tennis tour event sponsored by the China Tennis Association (CTA). It was founded in 2020 and the competition is mainly for Chinese professional and business players, with some foreign players also participating.

The first China Tennis Tour Finals in 2020 was held in Chengdu, Wu Yibing was the men’s singles champion, and Liu Fangzhou won the women’s singles championship.



Competition System

The China Tennis Tour is divided into four levels: CTA1000, CTA800, CTA500 and CTA200. Among them, CTA1000 and CTA800 are mainly for professional athletes, while CTA500 and CTA200 are mainly for amateur players. The tour has 10-20 sub-stations throughout the country throughout the year. The year-end finals are divided into CTA200, CTA500 and CTA800&1000 finals, which are currently held in Chengdu.


